Sponsorship is available for the ADT Show!

American Dance Troupe is a non-profit company, so we rely on the support of our families and the community to fund our production.  Special sponsorship opportunities are available that will allow us to make our show even better.

Sponsorship is on a first come first serve basis. Please email Valerie Brinkman at val@americandancetroupe.org for more information or to reserve your space.

You can pay via Paypal below (you do not need to create an account if you do not already have one.) There will be a 3% convenience fee added to the amount of the sponsorship to pay online. You are also welcome to pay by check, which can be mailed to:

Krupinski Academy of Dance
Attn: ADT Sponsorship
14855 Clayton Road
Town & Country, MO 63017

Sponsorship Levels

ADT Show Sponsor (One opportunity available) – SOLD


Sponsor will receive acknowledgement* on the back cover of the program, a full page personal advertisement and premium seating for two for the performance of their choice.

Act I Sponsor (One opportunity available) 


Sponsor will receive their name* in the program at the beginning of Act I acknowledging their sponsorship and two tickets to the performance of their choice.

$515.00Add to cart

Act II Sponsor (One opportunity available) 


Sponsor will receive their name* in the program at the beginning of Act II acknowledging their sponsorship and two tickets to the performance of their choice.

$515.00Add to cart

Individual Dance Sponsor (One opportunity available per dance)

$125 per dance

Sponsors will receive their name* in the program under the title of that dance acknowledging their sponsorship.

Available dances will be listed as soon as casting is complete.

$128.75Add to cart

Act III Sponsor (Unlimited sponsorship opportunities)

$50 for each sponsor

Sponsors will be listed by name* in the program at the beginning of the Act III section acknowledging their sponsorship.

$51.50Add to cart

* Sponsors can choose to remain anonymous in the program.